Thursday, June 28, 2007

What Do Democrats Stand For?

Can someone tell me what any of the Democratic candidates stand for? I am just reviewing the news from the immigration bill and wondering was it because democrats didn't agree with the bill or are they more hell bent on seeing the Bush Administration fail?

Yes Bush has sucked at a lot of things to say the least. I am a conservative but still understand that there should have been a lot of changes in his tenure to bring about the success of any of his ventures. The problem I have though is that the current "hope" of this country bases their entire presidential race on the problems of another person rather then on their own principles. Obama can talk well enough to probably turn a gay man straight but what the heck is that going to do when it comes to my 10 year old brother getting an education in the urban core?

Oh yeah by the way, the NCLB Act is producing great results. (No Child Left Behind Act)

Who gives a crap about fired attorneys??? Who cares about reiterating the reason for going to war was misinformed??? Democratic candidates are full of crap and the only way they know to get into the office is to get a scapegoat. I haven't seen one of them stand on their own. NOT ONE!! Even the front runners claim a protestant background but they just do that for show.

If nothing else I can commend Bush on keeping a backbone and doing what he thinks is right no matter public opinion. Let's all admit that public opinion is easily formed and manipulated. In short, THE MASSES ARE OVERWHELMING STUPID!!! Just because a majority disapprove or approve of something doesn't mean that it's correct. I wanted ice cream for dinner when I was five, that doesn't mean it was good for me.

Americans will agree with whoever is in front of the lens. If you put a talking butt on camera they would interpret the muffled farts and put a Gas-X box in office. I mean please, no one can really tell me a majority of America knows anything about politics, Iraq, Shia/Sunni, Iran, Nancy Pelosi, etc. and because of our ignorance we will elect some fool into office without ever knowing what they themselves stand for.

A perfect example is that for the very same war in Iraq that everyone opposes, Americans overwhelming supported it initially even though no plan was ever given for what we were going to do there. How dumb is that? "YEAH, let's go to war. Who cares what we're going to do when we get there let's just blow up stuff".

Now Democratic fools are taking advantage of this and getting elected. Please America, research these people. I don't even care if you disagree with me but at least it will be an educated disagreement rather than one formed off of popular opinion.

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