Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Illegal Rights

Isn't illegal rights in oxymoron? Do we suppose that although immigrants may be in our country illegally that they should enjoy the same freedoms and rights that everyone else does? How did we even get to the point that we are seriously arguing in Congress that ILLEGAL immigrants should have RIGHTS to health care, financial aid, and welfare? Just because we have millions of illegal immigrants over here doesn't constitute the acceptance of their actions. Illegal is illegal. No matter how many people do it and no matter how much of an impact they have on our economy wrong is still wrong. Or did we completely lose objectivity when truth is being so completely skewed by our modern media with everything to the War on Terror to the Duke rape case.

Even our supposed Democratic saviors are crazy. The enthusiastic and articulate Barack Obama was reported to have "Voted YES on allowing illegal aliens to participate in Social Security. (May 2006)" according to ontheissue.org (http://www.ontheissues.org/2008/Barack_Obama_Immigration.htm) and he was just one of the many. The list continues to the rest of the candidates in one form or another with maybe the only exception being Fred Thompson.

WAKE UP AMERICA!!! If the definition of wrong and right is so completely blurred by emotions and having enough of a following than where will it end? Laws are laws for a reason and if they are going to be over-turned then it must be by means of voting by those who are legal, not by a Bill of Rights coup.

Using the same logic that people attempt to imply with immigration we would be in a world of trouble. That means if I get enough of a backing on an issue I can change the laws. Well if that's the case let's start a movement on speeding. That's right speeding. All of us at one time or another are guilty of speeding or maybe even stealing for that matter. Just because there are millions of people guilty of these crimes doesn't automatically legalize it.

The assumption that Americans won't take these jobs is conjecture. America has survived thus far within the realms of its laws, how would anything be changed now? I'm a firm believer that people, especially when pressed, are capable of things they never believed were possible. We have ex-cons that desire to live a life lawfully but are turned away by society and the lack of employment opportunities and back to a life of crime. I'm sure they'd be eager to take the job. If not that just has inmates do it as part of a work release program to take down some of the cost of imprisonment. There are all kinds of options, we've just "cornered" ourselves to this option because it's what people want. Once again does "Illegal Rights" really make sense?

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